Blog posts

    What is the Illinois Paid Leave for All Workers Act?

    Submitted by pec on

    Starting on January 1, 2024, Illinois employment laws will be implementing the Paid Leave For All Workers Act. This means workers in Illinois will begin earning paid time off. The new law allows workers to earn up to 40 hours of paid leave in a 12-month period. Workers will accrue one hour of leave for every 40 hours worked.

    What is the Federal Railroad Safety Act?

    Submitted by pec on

    If you’re a railroad worker in the U.S., the Federal Railroad Safety Act (FRSA) protects you from retaliation and ensures your employer must take certain steps to provide for your safety. You may take legal action if an employer violates the FRSA.

    However, you might not know whether you have a valid case if you’re not familiar with this law. The following overview will explain the basics, helping you better understand how the FRSA protects you and other workers in the railroad industry.

    Damages in a Massachusetts Wrongful Termination Case

    Submitted by pec on

    Massachusetts has enacted legislation which makes it illegal for employers to fire an employee under certain circumstances, including discrimination and whistleblowing. If you have been involved in a wrongful termination case in Massachusetts, you may be able to receive both economic and non-economic damages if you file a lawsuit against your employer. An experienced employment law attorney can help you with a claim for breach of wrongful termination law. 

    What Employment Laws Apply To Remote Employees?

    Submitted by pec on

    Both federal and state employment laws protect the rights of employees in workplaces throughout the U.S. However, the nature of work and the workplace is changing.

    Remote and hybrid work arrangements are becoming increasingly common. Surveys and studies indicate this trend is likely to continue. Thus, you may wonder when an employment law does and doesn’t apply to remote workers.

    Federal Laws That Apply To Remote Employees

    Virtually any federal law guaranteeing certain employee protections will apply to remote employees. Examples of such laws include:

    EECO Allows Discrimination Charges To Be Filed Electronically

    Submitted by pec on

    Have you experienced workplace discrimination? If so, you may pursue legal action by filing a charge of discrimination with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC).

    Technically, your attorney may file a charge of discrimination on your behalf if you’ve hired one. This is one of many tasks a lawyer can handle if you enlist their help.

    2024 California Employment Laws

    Submitted by pec on

    California has some of the nation’s most worker-friendly labor laws. The following overview covers some of the ways those laws are changing and expanding in 2024.

    Workers in California should be aware of these changes. If a worker doesn’t know how the law has expanded, it may be easier for an employer to take advantage of them.

    That doesn’t need to happen. If you suspect an employer has broken the law, consider speaking with a California employment law attorney to discuss legal remedies.

    Are Employment Lawyers Worth It? A Comprehensive Guide

    Submitted by Elizabeth on

    An attorney for workplace issues can play a critical role in holding an employer accountable when they violate the law. Such lawyers can help clients secure justice while also demonstrating to employers that they may face repercussions for their violations. As a result, such employers may be less likely to break the law in the future.

    The following overview will help you better understand whether you may benefit from hiring an attorney in certain circumstances. It also explains why hiring an attorney is often a worthwhile investment from a cost-benefit perspective.

    Islamophobia At Work: What To Do

    Submitted by pec on

    Islamophobia in the workplace is illegal under federal law, as are all forms of workplace religious discrimination. Depending on where you live and work, state laws may also apply.

    Unfortunately, the existence of such laws hasn’t completely prevented religious discrimination from occurring in workplaces throughout the U.S. If you believe you’ve experienced Islamophobia in the workplace, the following guide explains what you may do to address it.
