Blog posts

    Where Do I File an Illinois Employment Law Claim?

    Submitted by pec on

    Illinois has a number of employment laws in place that protect employees from discrimination at work, sexual harassment, retaliation or wrongful termination. State labor laws also provide regulations on wages, overtime and employment benefits. It is still not uncommon for employees to be the victim of wage theft in Illinois. This is a breach of Illinois employment law.

    Overtime Pay vs. Compensatory Time

    Submitted by pec on

    When completing an employment law claim, you may need to understand certain nuances regarding your rights (and your employer’s responsibilities). For example, perhaps you’re submitting a claim or complaint due to an overtime or compensatory time dispute.

    It’s essential to understand the differences between the two if so. The following overview explains overtime pay, compensatory time, and how they differ.

    The Dos and Don'ts of Employee Contracts

    Submitted by pec on

    Employee contracts play critical roles in establishing the terms of an employee-employer relationship. Employee contracts can also define what an employer can and can’t do in certain situations.

    For example, some employee contracts prohibit employers from firing employees for reasons other than those already addressed in state and federal law. You may have grounds to take legal action if an employer violates your contract’s terms.

    What is an Employee Contract?

    An employee contract is a legal document that may address such matters as:

    Where Do I File a New York Employment Law Claim?

    Submitted by pec on

    New York State has a number of employment laws that help to protect employees from wage theft, discrimination in the workplace, wrongful termination, sexual harassment or retaliation by an employer. If you have suffered some sort of illegal action by your employer, you should file a complaint with one of the agencies that are described below. These agencies have the power to investigate a breach of state labor laws and can issue penalties including criminal charges against employers following an investigation.

    Celebrating Equal Pay Day

    Submitted by rachel on

    March 6, 2024, is Equal Pay Day in the U.S. This important day is currently part of Women’s History Month.

    “Celebrating” the day gives us an opportunity to reflect on the progress that has been made regarding securing fair pay for women in the U.S. However, as the following overview explains, the fact that we have an Equal Pay Day at all serves as a reminder that we haven’t achieved all key goals yet.

    Is It Illegal to Speak Spanish In the Workplace?

    Submitted by pec on

    No, it is not illegal to speak Spanish in the workplace. In the United States, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) prohibits workplace discrimination based on national origin and this includes speaking a language that is not the language of the workplace. Employers are not legally allowed to enforce a policy that limits the use of a particular language, including Spanish, unless a legitimate business requires that only certain languages are allowed in the workplace.

    Mental Health in the Workplace

    Submitted by pec on

    If you suffer from a disability, there are ways to overcome the physical and mental challenges that will make living with a disability easier. It can be hard to accept a disability but simply accepting it is like giving up for many. Refusing to accept the limitations you have to endure prevents you from making the changes you should make, and discovering new goals.
